Find answers to your PEGTV questions with our comprehensive FAQ!

The “P.E.G.” in PEGTV stands for public, education, and government, and represents our three local stations and their respective focal areas. The education station’s content must be created for or by a school; the government station’s content must be related to the workings of the local, state or federal government; and the public station’s content would encompass everything else.

According to the Federal Communications act of 1984, cable companies must provide certain available channels for public use. These stations are funded by a small percentage of the cable companies’ yearly gross revenue, not to exceed 5%. Some PEG organizations also raise funds through donations and grants. Because cable companies make money from cable subscribers, it could be said that the citizens of a community pay for public access. This is one more good reason why you should get involved with your local public access organization.

Channels 1075, 1095 and 1085 reach over 20,000 households in Rutland County but we cannot say exactly how many viewers that equals.  Our programming can be seen by people connected to the Rutland Head End or “hub” of Comcast Cable. Rutland County residents that subscribe to VTel can view PEGTV on Vtel channels 163, 164, 165 (SD) and 1163, 1164, 1165 (HD).

You have two options. First, become a VIP (Volunteer Independent Producer) yourself.  The course is quick and gives you full access to our studio and our remote field equipment. The second option is to use your own camcorder or even a phone to record a video.  You can submit a prerecorded video by bringing in a physical copy (on a Hard Drive, Thumb Drive or SD card) or by uploading it to PEGTV’s dropbox account through our website pegtv.com.

It’s all FREE if you are a Rutland County resident. Equipment, training and airtime are made available FREE by PEGTV to help you exercise your freedom of speech through cablecast on one of our three channels.

The first step is to call us at (802) 747-0151 or email Jim and tell us you are interested in producing a show. We will discuss your show idea and the best course of action. If you would like to do an in-studio show then you would meet with our development coordinator who will help you every step of the way. The first steps include brainstorming show titles, set design, and other elements that will make your show a success and as professional looking as possible. We will be your personal production crew. If you are interested in recording an event outside our studios like a sporting event or concert, then you first need to complete the VIP orientation class. Upon completion, you will become certified to use our field production equipment.

This one-hour class will educate you on:
– Guidelines of public access television and the FCC
– Hands-on training of the camera, tripod, microphones, etc…
– Tips for how to shoot the best footage, lighting, audio
– How to reserve and return your equipment
This class is held by appointment only. If you would like to attend please call (802) 747-0151 or email Jim Boughton.

Yes, as long as it meets our guidelines and follows FCC regulations, you are free to record anything as long as you intend on cablecasting your finished product on one of our three channels. Again, according to our guidelines, you cannot use PEGTV equipment for private projects. 

Yes you can have complete control of how your show looks. You are the producer. If you do an in-studio shoot our development coordinator will work with you if you have specific ideas you’d like to incorporate. If you use the field equipment to tape off-premise you can use one of our 2 editing bays to download and edit your footage.  We offer a PC edit bay using Corel software and a Macintosh edit bay using FinalCut Pro and Adobe Premiere. 

Yes. A copy of our programming guidelines can be found here. All programs must be free of all commercial content.

Yes. Out-of-town productions/producers must have a local presenter. Someone within Rutland County must appear in person to sign for your program.

If you have any questions, please contact PEGTV at 802-747-0151 or e-mail [email protected]